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Giffords takes stage; aide wins seat
Former Giffords Aide Wins Special House Election
Ron Barber wins Gabrielle Giffords' House seat
Ron Barber says AZ misses Gabby Giffords "dearly"
Gabrielle Giffords awarded Medal of Valor
2012 AFSCME Spirit of Public Service Award: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
Arizona Special Election Results 2012: Ron Barber Wins Gabrielle Giffords' Former House Seat
Gabrielle Giffords awarded Medal of Valor
Ron Barber (D-AZ) Sworn into the House (C-SPAN)
gabrielle giffords
Gabby Giffords Replacement Election: A Lesson for November? Buzz Politics 6.12
Ron Barber Wins Special Election to Fill Gabrielle Giffords's Seat